"Learn the investing strategy that made Ben Graham, David Dodd, and Warren Buffet the world's most famous investors All About Value Investing shows you how to invest in stocks that are underappreciated in the market by purchasing those stocks at less than their intrinsic value. Where investor expectations for the future are far too low, value investors know how, and when, to strike. Whether these stocks are held onto over time or are part of a "buy low, sell high" strategy, there are major profits to be made in value ...
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"Learn the investing strategy that made Ben Graham, David Dodd, and Warren Buffet the world's most famous investors All About Value Investing shows you how to invest in stocks that are underappreciated in the market by purchasing those stocks at less than their intrinsic value. Where investor expectations for the future are far too low, value investors know how, and when, to strike. Whether these stocks are held onto over time or are part of a "buy low, sell high" strategy, there are major profits to be made in value investing.Esme; Faerber is a professor of business and accounting at Rosemont College. She has written numerous books for MHP, including All About Stocks, All About Investing, and All About Bonds, Bond, Mutual Funds, and Bond ETFs"--
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