Confusion in the description on this website,
The description begins with:
"A New Model of the Economy - Hodgkinson, Brian
The book offers a radical revision of modern economic theory. Its starting point is the existing body of both micro and macro economics, as developed in such textbooks as "Economics" by Begg, Fischer and Dombusch and "Positive Economics" by Lipsey and Chrystal. Following a similar framework as these books, it adjusts the whole range of theory by introducing some new concepts and other earlier ones that have been much neglected in the economic thought of the past century. "
Yet how can Brian Hodgson have contrived his writing about a new model, when his work is based on the classical authors and their associated (intuitive) theories, that have just been qouted above, and in the description of the book?
This is not logical and it affects me particularly because in my book ("Consequential Macroeconomics"), I have shown that the past models are unsatisfactory and instead I REALLY have introduced a new model of this our social system. This new model contains a cold-locical methodology and provides a diagram which is "made as simple as possible without being over-simplified" (to qoute Professor Albert Einstein, when he writes about what is good scientific theory). Write to me at for more details which I will gladly send.