'O'Brien! They've got you too!' 'They got me a long time ago.' Winston Smith is in prison, found guilty of Thoughtcrimes against Big Brother. As part of his reconstruction, he must re-enact key moments from his past life, with the help of other thought criminals, so that everyone can learn from his mistakes. Including his biggest mistake of all: falling in love with Julia. George Orwell's classic dystopia 1984 is a still-resonant vision of the tolls of living under totalitarianism. Constructed almost entirely from dialogue ...
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'O'Brien! They've got you too!' 'They got me a long time ago.' Winston Smith is in prison, found guilty of Thoughtcrimes against Big Brother. As part of his reconstruction, he must re-enact key moments from his past life, with the help of other thought criminals, so that everyone can learn from his mistakes. Including his biggest mistake of all: falling in love with Julia. George Orwell's classic dystopia 1984 is a still-resonant vision of the tolls of living under totalitarianism. Constructed almost entirely from dialogue taken from the original novel, this bold and powerful dramatisation restores the blazing heart of Orwell's work: a doomed love story, with the lovers at its centre. This pre-eminently stageable version, adapted with an eye on economy by Nick Hern for a cast of five or more, is ideal for any school, youth group or amateur company looking to bring Orwell's chilling vision to life on stage.
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Add this copy of 1984 (Spark Notes) to cart. $2.19, good condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Reno rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Reno, NV, UNITED STATES, published 2008 by Penguin.
Add this copy of 1984 (Spark Notes) to cart. $2.19, fair condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Baltimore rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Halethorpe, MD, UNITED STATES, published 2008 by Penguin.
Add this copy of 1984 (Contemporanea (Debolsillo)) (Spanish Edition) to cart. $2.99, good condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES, published 2013 by Debolsillo.
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Book is considered to be in good or better condition. The actual cover image may not match the stock photo. Hard cover books may show signs of wear on the spine cover or dust jacket. Paperback book may show signs of wear on spine or cover as well as having a slight bend or curve to it. Book should have no writing inside or highlighting. Pages should be free of tears or creasing. Stickers should not be present on cover or elsewhere and any CD or DVD expected with the book is included. Book is not a former library copy.
Add this copy of 1984 to cart. $3.49, good condition, Sold by JC's Books rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Athol, ID, UNITED STATES, published 1952 by Signet.
Add this copy of 1984 (Signet Classics) to cart. $4.99, very good condition, Sold by HPB-Diamond rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Dallas, TX, UNITED STATES, published 1961 by Signet Classic.
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Very good. Connecting readers with great books since 1972! Used books may not include companion materials, and may have some shelf wear or limited writing. We ship orders daily and Customer Service is our top priority!
Add this copy of 1984 (Signet Classics) to cart. $5.00, very good condition, Sold by Copperfield's Books rated 3.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Spring, TX, UNITED STATES, published by Signet Classic.
Add this copy of 1984 #242 to cart. $5.00, good condition, Sold by JWS80 rated 2.0 out of 5 stars, ships from homer, AK, UNITED STATES, published by Signet.
Add this copy of 1984 (Sparknotes Literature Guide) to cart. $5.18, very good condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Reno rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Reno, NV, UNITED STATES, published by Sparknotes.
Add this copy of 1984 (Sparknotes Literature Guide) to cart. $5.18, good condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Atlanta rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Austell, GA, UNITED STATES, published by Sparknotes.
Add this copy of 1984 (Sparknotes Literature Guide) to cart. $5.18, good condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Dallas rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Dallas, TX, UNITED STATES, published by Sparknotes.
Written in 1948, George Orwell's classic book 1984 has great relevance for the modern reader. As is typical with this genre of books (such as Fahrenheit 451 and The Giver) a hero emerges who challenges the status quo of a totalitarian government in a dystopian future. What is startling about this book is that many of its themes can be found in modern life. The reshaping of consciousness (as evidenced by the Common Core, political correctness, the liberal news media, the entertainment industry, the prevalence of liberal college professors at our universities), the erasure of memory (revisionist history, the goal of removing all things Confederate), the surveillance state (Big Brother), control of thought and speech (again, political correctness), and a state of continuous war (the Global War on Terror) are all ideas and trends that can be found in both this book and in modern society. One can also see evidence of doublespeak in both this book and in modern life: there is nothing affordable about the (un)Affordable Care Act. Moreover, people are now being deceived into thinking that if we give more of our money and more of our freedom to the government, then, (somehow) we will create more prosperity and more liberty. Nothing could be further from the truth. Amazingly, George Orwell had the future all figured out decades ago with this eye opening and prescient book. The question is, are modern readers going to heed Orwell's warning?
Sep 26, 2013
THE classic for your personal library
Bought this one to replace my old, worn-out copy, with intentions to re-read the text, along with other such books. ( Looking Backward, for example.)
Marleen W
Aug 8, 2013
Things to know
A story of how a person thinks how things could happen, and could come to light again, based on the present governement overruling our Constitution.
Charles C
Dec 27, 2012
Half the size of a regular hard cover book. Threw it in the trash.
Cheryl B
Nov 22, 2012
Great seller
The question would I recommend this item to a friend doesn't seem to apply to a seller review. The book is boring.
The state of the book when received was excellent as was the length of time it took to receive the book.