Beethoven: Mass in C major; Vestas Feuer; Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt (2020)
by Kaisa Ranta (soprano), Nicholas Söderlund (bass), Niina Keitel (mezzo-soprano), Topi Lehtipuu (tenor), Tuomas Katajala (tenor), Cathedralis Aboensis Chorus (choir, chorus), Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, Leif Segerstam (conductor)
Beethoven: Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II; Cantata on the Accession of Leopold II (2020)
by Johanna Lehesvuori (soprano), Juha Kotilainen (bass), Key Ensemble, Niklas Spängberg (bass), Reetta Haavisto (soprano), Tuomas Katajala (tenor), Cathedralis Aboensis Chorus (choir, chorus), Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, Leif Segerstam (conductor)
Beethoven: König Stephan; Leonor Prohaska (Excerpts); Opferlied; Germania (2020)
by Andreas Nordström (tenor), Angela Eberlein (speech/speaker/speaking part), Claus Obalski (speech/speaker/speaking part), Ernst Oder (speech/speaker/speaking part), Johanna Lehesvuori (soprano), Juha Kotilainen (bass), Key Ensemble