The Revisionaries (2012)
directed by Scott Thurman
featuring David Anderson, Connie Barlow, Jessica Beckham, Kimberly Bilica, Heidi Boles, Chris Comer, Bob Craig, Michael Dowd, Cynthia Dunbar, Raymond Eve, Laura Ewing, Kevin Fisher, Barbara Forrest, Julie Fry, Steve Fuller, Michael Hudson, Lee Hughes, Stephanie Klenzendorf, Norman Lear, Gail Lowe, Arturo DeLozanne, Don McLeroy, Kathy Miller, Ken Miller, Matthew Ogilvie, Thomas Ratliff, Jonathan Saenz, Steve Schafersman, Gary Scharrer, Eugenie Scott, Gerald Skoog, Srinivasan Srivilliputher, Bill Talkington, Ruthanne Thompson, Ide Trotter, Amanda Walker, Ron Wetherington -
Flaming Star (1960)
directed by Don Siegel
featuring Elvis Presley, Steve Forrest, Barbara Eden, Dolores Del Rio, Rodopho (Rudy) Acosta, John McIntire, Karl Swenson -
Anne of Avonlea (1975)
directed by Joan Craft
featuring Kim Braden, Barbara Hamilton, David Garfield, Madge Ryan, Anthony Forrest -
Fresh from Paris (1955)
directed by Leslie Goodwins
featuring Forrest Tucker, Margaret Whiting, Dick Wesson, Martha Hyer, Barbara Whiting