Greatest Hits: Chant (1994)
performed by Niederaltaicher Scholaren Choralschola (choir, chorus), Schola Cantorum of Amsterdam Students (choir, chorus), Trappist Monks of the Abbey of Gethsemani (choir, chorus), Niederaltaicher Scholaren
composed by Anonymous, Christmas Traditional, Gregorian Chant, Plainchant -
Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine (1989)
performed by David Cordier (alto), Gillian Fisher (soprano), John Elwes (tenor), Monique Zanetti (soprano), Peter Kooij (bass), William Kendall (tenor), Niederaltaicher Scholaren Choralschola (choir, chorus), Frieder Bernius (conductor)
composed by Claudio Monteverdi