The Cultural Legacy of Disney...
Robyn Muir (Editor),
Emily Aguiló-Pérez (Editor)
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Neoliberal Aesthetics of...
Abigail Reed
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Forgotten Disney: Essays on...
Kathy Merlock Jackson (Editor),
Carl H Sederholm (Editor)
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Stacy Mintzer Herlihy
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Social Order and Authority in...
Kellie Deys (Contributions by),
Denise F Parrillo (Contributions by)
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Recasting the Disney Princess...
Shearon Roberts (Editor),
Jenny Banh (Contributions by)
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Cartoons in Hard Times: The...
Tracey Mollet
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The Disney Musical on Stage...
George Rodosthenous (Editor)
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It's the Disney Version!:...
Douglas Brode (Editor),
Shea T Brode (Editor)
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Teaching with Disney
Shirley R Steinberg,
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Handsome Heroes and Vile...
Amy M Davis
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Professor Jason Sperb
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The Disney Song Encyclopedia
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Mark A Robinson
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Babes in Tomorrowland: Walt...
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Tinker Belles and Evil Queens...
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