IQ and Psychometric Tests:...
Philip Carter
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Jefferson M. Fish (Editor)
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Intelligence and Intelligence...
Richard B Fletcher,
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Intelligence: A New Look
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Elaine E Castles
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Bond 11+: CEM 3D Non-Verbal...
Lynn Adams,
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Intelligence: The...
Paul Kline
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Arthur Jensen: Consensus and...
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Extending Intelligence:...
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Handbook of Understanding and...
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Bond 11+: Bond 11+ Non-verbal...
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Race and IQ
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Bond 11+: Bond 11+ Non-verbal...
Alison Primrose,
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IQ and Aptitude Tests: Assess...
Philip Carter
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Intelligence, Sapience and...
David Scott,
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The Brain Fitness Workout:...
Philip Carter
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Development of the Cognitive...
Veronika van der Wardt,
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