Servitization, It-Ization and...
Hitoshi Hirakawa (Editor),
Dr. Kaushalesh Lal (Editor)
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Multinational Enterprises and...
Martin Heidenreich
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Growing Industrial Clusters...
Professor Shahid Yusuf
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The Relational Economy:...
Harald Bathelt,
Johannes Gluckler
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Handbook of Research on...
Charlie Karlsson (Editor)
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Innovation and Production...
Bernard Guilhon
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Clusters and Economic Growth...
Soren Eriksson
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Role of Clustering in...
T.N. Litvinova,
I.A. Morozova
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The Globalization of Regional...
Dirk Fornahl (Editor),
Nils Grashof (Editor)
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Innovation and Performance...
Miroslav Zizka (Editor),
Petra Rydvalova (Editor)
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Industrial Clusters in...
Joanna Bohatkiewicz-Czaicka,
Marta Gancarczyk
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Clusters and Sustainable...
Evgeniya Lupova-Henry (Editor),
Nicola Francesco Dotti (Editor)
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Clusters y desarrollo...
V?ctor Ramiro Fernßndez
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Economic Clusters and...
Francisco Puig (Editor),
Berrbizne Urzelai (Editor)
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Building an Innovation...
Alicia Cameron (Lucy)
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The Capacity to Innovate:...
Sarah Giest
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Entrepreneurship, Innovation...
Panos G. Piperopoulos
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The Geography of Competition:...
John R Miron
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eBook from $47.70
Industrial Clusters:...
John F Wilson (Editor),
Chris Corker (Editor)
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eBook from $32.45
Business Networks in Clusters...
Fiorenza Belussi (Editor),
Alessia Sammarra (Editor)
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eBook from $32.45
Regionale Cluster in Der...
Walter Thomi (Editor),
Sebastian Henn
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Pathways to High-Tech Valleys...
Willem Hulsink (Editor),
Hans Dons (Editor)
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Rasmus C Beck (Editor),
Rolf G Heinze (Editor)
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Re-Framing Regional...
Philip Cooke
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