Linear Systems and Signals
B P Lathi,
Roger Green
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eBook from $56.00
Signals and Systems:...
Rodger Ziemer,
William Tranter
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Linear Systems and Signals
B P Lathi
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Introduction to Digital...
B a Shenoi
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Continuous-Time Delta-SIGMA...
James A Cherry,
W Martin Snelgrove
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eBook from $62.70
Linear Systems and Signals
B P Lathi
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Continuous-Time Active Filter...
T Deliyannis,
Yichuang Sun
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eBook from $132.00
Identification of...
Charles L Wilkins,
Jackson O Lay
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High-Performance CMOS...
José Silva-Martínez,
Michiel Steyaert
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High Frequency Continuous...
Shanthi Pavan,
Yannis Tsividis
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Integrated Video-Frequency...
Scott D Willingham,
Kenneth W Martin
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Adaptive Filtering Prediction...
Graham C Goodwin
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Linear Systems and Signals
B P Lathi
Buy new from $74.82
Signals and Systems:...
Rodger E Ziemer,
D Ronald Fanin
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