A collectors' box set including the first four titles in the popular "Mr. Gum" series, all read by the wonderful Kate Winslet and including music and sound effects: "You're a Bad Man, Mr. Gum" Mr. Gum is a complete horror who hates children, animals, fun and corn on the cob. This book's all about him. And an angry fairy who lives in his bathtub; and Jake the dog (who must be saved from terrible, terrible evil); and a little girl called Polly; and an evil stinky butcher who's all covered in guts. And there's heroes and ...
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A collectors' box set including the first four titles in the popular "Mr. Gum" series, all read by the wonderful Kate Winslet and including music and sound effects: "You're a Bad Man, Mr. Gum" Mr. Gum is a complete horror who hates children, animals, fun and corn on the cob. This book's all about him. And an angry fairy who lives in his bathtub; and Jake the dog (who must be saved from terrible, terrible evil); and a little girl called Polly; and an evil stinky butcher who's all covered in guts. And there's heroes and sweets and adventures and a massive fat bloke called Jonathan Ripples and EVERYTHING... "Mr. Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire" OK, this book's a bit hard to describe. There's this gingerbread man with electric muscles, see? And he's as rich as a mushroom, right? And Mr. Gum and Billy William are planning to get the cash, yeah? And it's up to Polly to save the day. And there's a funfair and hot dogs, and Friday O'Leary shouts out some crazy stuff, and... hey, that wasn't so hard to describe after all. Mr. Gum is back and as nasty as ever in this second hilarious story. "Mr. Gum and the Power Crystals" Shabba me whiskers! Can it really be true that there's an ancient curse on the town of Lamonic Bibber? And you guessed it, that old roo-de-lally Mr Gum and his trusty sidekick Billy William the Third have something to do with it. But...our favorite heroes Polly and Friday and the gingerbread biscuit Alan Taylor are determined to save the town (sigh of relief). Hang onto your heads and prepare to chuckle like a chipmunk as you are whisked to the land of talking dogs, silly songs, Old Granny, and the best chase scene you've ever seen. You may even learn to say "The truth is a lemon meringue" in Spanish! This is barking bonkers... "Mr. Gum and the Goblins" Well, that old roo-de-lally Mr. Gum and the hideous Billy William the Third are once more mucking things up for everyone. They're a-schemin' and a-hatchin' and making their bad plans up on Goblin Mountain. Can the wise old man Friday O'Leary and the small girl Polly make it past the Three Impossible Challenges of Goblin Mountain and save the town from a fate worse than something very bad indeed? In an epic tale of courage, valor, and plain idiocy only one thing is sure: The truth is a lemon meringue!
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