This is a classic and hopefully it's reading would be revived again.It's a tue life story about a lonely youth who did what he needed to do to fit in and become the leader of his peers.He became good at what he did,and was promoted.Even in his success,he knew something in his life was missing and what he was doing just wasn't right..God changed hs heart,and his whole life was affected.He chose to live for God over the rewards of this world,but found that God is not slack concerning His promises.God is a rewarder of those who seek Him and obey his commands.The whole in his life was filled.His life was changed.The story was compelling in that life was similar to that of Paul,who was also a persecutor of Christians but became a voice of the living God once he allowed God's life to penetrate his heart.The book is a good read,and will have an impact on you and your walk with Jesus.