Set in the rich and famous circles of Los Angeles, the Detective Sandra Cameron mysteries combine gritty crime-solving with California glamour. In this second novel, Detective Thomas Rigby of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department investigates the murder of prestigious horse trainer, Chet Gundry. Chet, an infamous lady's man, was once mentor to Thomas's current girlfriend, fellow L.A. detective Sandra Cameron and she was the last to see Chet alive.
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Set in the rich and famous circles of Los Angeles, the Detective Sandra Cameron mysteries combine gritty crime-solving with California glamour. In this second novel, Detective Thomas Rigby of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department investigates the murder of prestigious horse trainer, Chet Gundry. Chet, an infamous lady's man, was once mentor to Thomas's current girlfriend, fellow L.A. detective Sandra Cameron and she was the last to see Chet alive.
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