Paul J Karlstrom
Paul J. Karlstrom, former West Coast Regional Director of thPaul J. Karlstrom, former West Coast Regional Director of the Smithsonian s Archives of American Art, is the editor of "e Smithsonian s Archives of American Art, is the editor of "On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900 1950"On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900 1950" (UC Press) and a co-editor of "Asian American Art: A Histor (UC Press) and a co-editor of "Asian American Art: A History, 1860 1970". He...See more
Paul J. Karlstrom, former West Coast Regional Director of thPaul J. Karlstrom, former West Coast Regional Director of the Smithsonian s Archives of American Art, is the editor of "e Smithsonian s Archives of American Art, is the editor of "On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900 1950"On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900 1950" (UC Press) and a co-editor of "Asian American Art: A Histor (UC Press) and a co-editor of "Asian American Art: A History, 1860 1970". He is coauthor of "Turning the Tide: Early Loy, 1860 1970". He is coauthor of "Turning the Tide: Early Los Angeles Modernists", 1920 1956 and author of "Raimonds Stas Angeles Modernists", 1920 1956 and author of "Raimonds Staprans: Art of Tranquility and Turbulence" prans: Art of Tranquility and Turbulence" See less