ALS Ich Can Volume 1: Liber Amicorum in Memory of Professor Dr. Maurits Smeyers, Edited by Bert Cardon, Jan Van Der Stock, Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, with the Collaboration of Katharina Smeyers, Karen Decoene, Marjan Sterckx and Bart Stroobants. (Low...
by B Cardon (Editor), J Van Der Stock (Editor), D Vanwijnsberghe (Editor)
ALS Ich Can Volume 2: Liber Amicorum in Memory of Professor Dr. Maurits Smeyers, Edited by Bert Cardon, Jan Van Der Stock, Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, with the Collaboration of Katharina Smeyers, Karen Decoene, Marjan Sterckx and Bart Stroobants. (Low...
by B Cardon (Editor), J Van Der Stock (Editor), D Vanwijnsberghe (Editor)