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Alibris QuickBuy

What is QuickBuy?
How are QuickBuy items selected?
What does "very good or better" mean?
I don't want Alibris to select for me—how do I see all available copies of an item?

What is QuickBuy?

Alibris QuickBuy simplifies the selection process for you. When there are multiple copies of a specific title and edition available from the results of a search, Alibris features the best priced copy in "very good" condition or better in a QuickBuy box at the right of the listing. QuickBuys are selected only from our own warehouse and the listings of our most reliable sellers.

How are QuickBuy items selected?

Alibris selects the best-priced item available from all items that match your title in "very good" condition or better. We check new and used prices for each title listing to make sure we're bringing you the best combination of price and quality available, every time. And QuickBuy featured items are selected exclusively from our most reliable sellers.

What does "very good or better" mean?

Used items range in condition from poor to fair, to good, very good, and fine. And Alibris sells new items too. When we say QuickBuy items are in "very good" condition or better. That means that QuickBuy items will always be in new, fine or very good condition. QuickBuy items are usually gift quality used items—or just plain new. See our condition guide for more about the way in which the condition of used items are reflected in descriptions.

I don't want Alibris to select for me—how do I see all available copies of an item?

If you would rather make your own selection, just search our inventory for a particular title and then, within your search results, click the See All Copies link that corresponds to the title you're interested in. (Alternatively, you may click the New Only link to limit your choices to only available new copies of that listing.)

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