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Order Status

What is the status of my order?
Can I track my order after it has shipped?
What if my items don't arrive by the dates specified in my Order Acknowledgement?
I placed an order, but didn't receive an order acknowledgement. Did my order go through?
What is the delivery time of international orders?
My order is shipping to an international address; why hasn't my order shipped yet?
When am I billed for my order?

What is the status of my order?

If you have an Alibris account: To check the status of your order, click the Account link in the upper- right corner of any page on our Web site. Then enter your e-mail address and password in the fields provided, and click the Log In button. You'll then be able to view a list of all of your orders with us.

If you do not have an Alibris account: If you have placed an order as an Alibris guest, you will not be able to log in via the Account link; instead, you must click an order-status link in your Order Acknowledgement e-mail, Shipping Notification e-mail, or a similar order-related e-mail from us in order to access your order information on our Web site.

Please refer to the Status column of the order in question. While your order is in process, its status in this column will be "Pending." This means that we've sent the seller your order but the items have not yet shipped. This status message will change when the seller confirms and ships your order, or in the rare instance when the seller determines that the items ordered are unavailable.

Once your order has shipped, its status will be "Shipped." If you selected U.K. Standard shipping, European Standard shipping, or International shipping, no tracking information will be listed, since these shipping methods can't be tracked. We'll also send you a Shipment Notification via e-mail.

If we hear from the seller that your order is available and on its way, the status note will change to "Confirmed Available." We'll also send you an e-mail letting you know that the order has been confirmed available.

If we hear from the seller that the items in your order are no longer available, we will cancel the order. If this happens, the status note will read "Unavailable." We'll also send you an e-mail letting you know that the order was canceled. If the order was mistakenly marked as being shipped but then is actually cancelled, your credit card will be refunded for the cancelled part of the order and you will receive e-mail confirmation of the credit.

Your order's total processing timeframe depends on where your order is coming from, where it is being shipped, and the shipping method you chose. See our Shipping, Tracking, and Delivery page for more details.

If you have not received your order within 30 days of its shipment date, please contact Customer Service immediately. We are unable to refund lost orders reported to us more than 90 days after the shipment date.

If you have specific questions about your order, feel free to contact Customer Service for further assistance. Please be sure to include your Order Number when you write in to us.

Can I track my order after it has shipped?

Whether your order was shipped via a trackable method depends on the kind of item ordered, its shipping location, and other factors. For instance, some items automatically ship via a trackable method, while items shipping to a foreign country are never trackable because only untrackable international-shipping methods are used. The best way to determine whether your order is trackable is to check, as outlined below:

If you have an Alibris account: To check the status of your order after it has shipped, click the Account link from the upper-right corner of any page on our Web site. Enter your e-mail address and password in the fields provided. Then click the Continue button to view a list of all of your orders with us and their current status.

For details about shipping methods and timeframes, see our Shipping, Tracking, and Delivery page.

If your shipment seems extraordinarily late, double check the shipping address found in your e-mail shipment notification, and contact Customer Service for further assistance. Please be sure to include your Order Number when you write to us.

If you do not have an Alibris account: If you have placed an order as an Alibris guest, you will not be able to log in via the Account link; instead, you must click an order-status link in your Order Acknowledgement e-mail, Shipping Notification e-mail, or a similar order-related e-mail from us in order to access your order information on our Web site. Once you do that, follow the instructions in the preceding paragraphs.

What if my items don't arrive by the dates specified in my Order Acknowledgement?

The great majority of items arrive on or before the dates specified in Order Acknowledgements, but delays can occur. If your order was sent via a trackable method (see above), first track your order to ascertain its status and location. Otherwise, in the event that an item in your order does not arrive by the estimated arrival date, we suggest the following steps:

  1. Log in to Your Account and view your order history to verify that the item has already been shipped. (If you do not have an Alibris account and have ordered as an Alibris guest, read the order status section above for instructions before proceeding to the next step.)
  2. If the item status shows as "shipped," then please verify that you specified the correct shipping address at the time you placed your order.
  3. If status shows as "shipped" and you have verified the shipping address, we ask for your patience. Experience has shown us that most of the small percentage of items that are not delivered by the estimated arrival date will arrive within 30 days of the shipment date. The date of shipment is listed in the Detail section of Your Account on an item-by-item basis.
  4. If you have not received your order sent by Trackable Expedited within 14 days of the shipment date posted in Your Account, or within 30 days for orders sent via non-expedited shipping methods, please contact Customer Service .

I placed an order, but didn't receive an order acknowledgement. Did my order go through?

You should receive an e-mail from us acknowledging your order about an hour after placing it. If you don't receive an e-mail from us, please contact Customer Service .

If you have not received your order within 30 days of its shipment date, please contact Customer Service immediately. We are unable to refund lost orders reported to us more than 90 days after the shipment date.

What is the delivery time of international orders?

Whenever you order from a seller who must ship to a country outsidetheir listed country of origin, your order may take three weeks to be delivered.

My order is shipping to an international address; why hasn't my order shipped yet?

Items being shipped to an address outside North America and Europe are shipped from our seller network to our distribution center. Upon receipt, they are in turn shipped to you. For orders shipping outside North America and Europe, total delivery time is usually 2 to 4 weeks, depending on your location, the method of shipment you chose, and any customs processing. See our Shipping, Tracking, and Delivery page for more details. We will send you a shipment notification via e-mail when your order has shipped.

When am I billed for my order?

We debit your credit card for the full amount of the order at the time your order is placed. Should we be unable for any reason to ship any of the items in your order we will credit the amount of that item plus any applicable tax and shipping costs back to the same credit card used for the original order.


More questions? Go back to the main Help & Customer Service page or send e-mail to customer service .