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Using the Shopping Cart

Why is my cart divided into purchase items and rental items?
Can you hold an item for me?
How do I order multiple copies of an item?
I just placed an order but it does not appear in my account. Did you receive it?
What are "cookies", and how do I enable cookies so I can shop on Alibris?

Why is my cart divided into purchase items and rental items?  

Our independent sellers list items that you may purchase and keep, but they also offer items that you may rent and then return at the end of your rental term. For instance, students often rent textbooks and return them at the end of the semester. If you add both a purchase item and a rental item to your cart, you'll see them categorized accordingly. We separate rental items and purchase items in the cart because it's necessary for rental items to be ordered separately, which is why you'll also see a separate "Rental Checkout" button.

Can you hold an item for me?

You can place an item on hold in your Shopping Cart for 12 hours. Click the Add to Cart button or the Rent It button next to your selection to put it in your Shopping Cart. Please note that any item added to your cart is reserved for you for 12 hours but may be sold or rented to others after that time; it is best to return within 12 hours to purchase or rent items still in your cart.

How do I order multiple copies of an item?

Each used item you find on our Web site is a single, unique copy. If you want more than one copy of a particular item, scroll through the search results for additional copies. To get the specific copies you want, add each item to your Shopping Cart. If a seller has multiple copies, you can increase the quantity by changing the number in the quantity box in your cart (up to the total quantity the seller has in stock) and then clicking the Update button under your selections. Then place your order when you have finished making your selections.

If you don't find exactly what you want, you can submit a request to Book Fetch, and we'll keep sniffing around for it for you. Every time an item gets added to the Alibris inventory, Book Fetch will check to see if it matches your request. If Book Fetch finds a match, you will be notified immediately via e-mail. Please be sure to review Book Fetch's Tips & Tricks. At this time, Book Fetch cannot search for music, movies, or rentals.

I just placed an order but it does not appear in my account. Did you receive it?

Your order may take up to one hour to appear in your order history on the Your Account page. You will receive an order acknowledgement e-mail when your order is received. If you don't receive an e-mail from us, please contact Customer Service. Please wait at least one hour to avoid submitting a duplicate order.

What are "cookies", and how do I enable cookies so I can shop on Alibris?

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Cookies allow your browser to remember specific information, like your user ID or what items you've added to your Shopping Cart. A cookie can't be used to get data from your hard drive, get your e-mail address, or retrieve any personal information.

We're committed to protecting your privacy; our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information, but they do enable us to provide a Shopping Cart and to store your shipping and billing information between visits, and our affiliates or advertisers may also use cookies. We encourage all companies who use cookies to follow appropriate privacy standards and policies, but we are not responsible for cookies placed by third parties. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

To enable or disable cookies, you must do so within your browser application. Every browser places access to your cookie settings differently, so you may need to check your browser's help section or consult the manufacturer's Web site for information on changing cookie settings. If you've set your browser to reject cookies, you can still use our Web site, but you won't be able to purchase items.

More questions? Go back to the main Help & Customer Service page or send e-mail to customer service .