" Meet Ray! The little white dog who will capture your heart. He is adventurous, charming, and full of life. Sadly, to some, he is different but what they do not realize... different is a magical way to be. Find out what causes him to react on a whim. A wonderful whim which literally turns unpleasant events upside down into happy ones. And why does the haunted lake become Ray's most favorite place to visit? A delightful journey you certainly do not want to miss! "
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" Meet Ray! The little white dog who will capture your heart. He is adventurous, charming, and full of life. Sadly, to some, he is different but what they do not realize... different is a magical way to be. Find out what causes him to react on a whim. A wonderful whim which literally turns unpleasant events upside down into happy ones. And why does the haunted lake become Ray's most favorite place to visit? A delightful journey you certainly do not want to miss! "
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