A Washington-based thriller about four ambitious twentysomething housemates, fresh out of college, eager to make their mark in their chosen careers. When one of them, Ben Addison, is tricked into leaking a Supreme Court decision on an important corporate merger in advance, he lands them all in big trouble. They resolve to get even with the man who set Ben up. But is there a traitor in the camp?
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A Washington-based thriller about four ambitious twentysomething housemates, fresh out of college, eager to make their mark in their chosen careers. When one of them, Ben Addison, is tricked into leaking a Supreme Court decision on an important corporate merger in advance, he lands them all in big trouble. They resolve to get even with the man who set Ben up. But is there a traitor in the camp?
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I was happy to find this book when shipped to me was in better condition than expected. Being a book lover it was in pristine condition. And a good read as well, as I enjoy this authors corpus of works.
Mar 10, 2011
Someone suggested I read Brad Meltzer books. I like to start with an author's first and work my way up to his latest so I ordered The Tenth Justice. His plots and twists are unequaled. I highly recommend this and other Meltzer books. I am up to The Millionaires right now and I can't get enough Meltzer!