This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1918 edition. Excerpt: ...on page 145.--introduced here in text by all editors save Gifford and Coleridge. So early vp and ready before noone, 135 That are the map of dreffing through all France. Nou. I rife to fay my prayers, fir, heere's my Saint. Roch. Tis well and courtly; you muft giue me leaue, I haue fome priuate conference with ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1918 edition. Excerpt: ...on page 145.--introduced here in text by all editors save Gifford and Coleridge. So early vp and ready before noone, 135 That are the map of dreffing through all France. Nou. I rife to fay my prayers, fir, heere's my Saint. Roch. Tis well and courtly; you muft giue me leaue, I haue fome priuate conference with my daughter, Pray vfe my garden, you fhall dine with me. 140 Lilad. Wee'l waite on you. Nou. Good morne vnto your Lordfhip, Remember what you haue vow'd to his Mrs. Exeunt Beau. Performe I muft. omnes praeter Roch. Daug. Roch. Why how now Beaumelle, thou look'ft not well. Th' art fad of late, come cheere thee, I haue found A wholefome remedy for thefe may den fits, 145 A goodly Oake whereon to twift my vine, Till1 her faire branches grow vp to the ftarres. Be neere at hand, fucceffe crowne my intent, My bufineffe fills my little time fo full, I cannot ftand to talke: I know, thy duty 150 Is handmayd to my will, efpecially When it prefents nothing but good and fit. Beau. Sir, I am yours. Oh if my teares proue true, Exit Fate hath wrong'd loue, and will deftroy me too. Daug Enter Romont keeper Rom. Sent you for me, fir? Roch. Yes. Rom. Your Lordfhips pleafure? 155 Roch. Keeper, this prifoner I will fee forth comming Vpon my word--Sit downe good Colonell. Exit keeper. Why I did wifh you hither, noble fir, Is to aduife you from this yron carriage, Which, fo affected, Romont, you weare, 160 To pity and to counfell yee fubmit With expedition to the great Nouall: 144 Th' art--Thou art (G., S. 153 teares--thus C. & M.;--G. & S. read fears, which seems a fitter word here. 153 s. d.--G. & S. read, Aside and exit. 159 affected--affectedly (S. 159, after you--C, M., & G. insert will. 161 yee--you (C, f. Recant your fterne contempt, and...
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