A fine cast highlights this entertaining British mystery derived from The Unholy Night (1929). The plot concerns a reunion of World War II spies at the home of distinguished Col. Price (Donald Wolfit). The veterans are murdered one by one by a traitorous former Nazi in their midst. Anton Diffring and Karel Stepanek co-star with Christopher Lee, who plays Neumann, a Jewish doctor. Robert Firsching, Rovi
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A fine cast highlights this entertaining British mystery derived from The Unholy Night (1929). The plot concerns a reunion of World War II spies at the home of distinguished Col. Price (Donald Wolfit). The veterans are murdered one by one by a traitorous former Nazi in their midst. Anton Diffring and Karel Stepanek co-star with Christopher Lee, who plays Neumann, a Jewish doctor. Robert Firsching, Rovi
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