This adventure story, created with state-of-the-art computer animation technology, follows the adventurer Sinbad (voice of Brendan Fraser) as he discovers a mysterious island ruled by King Akron (voice of John Rhys-Davies) and his daughter, Princess Serena (voice of Jennifer Hale). Their benevolent rule is being challenged by Baraka (voice of Leonard Nimoy), a vicious wizard who uses his powers to sway the island to his own evil purposes. Serena enlists Sinbad's help in a voyage to find the missing ingredients for a spell ...
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This adventure story, created with state-of-the-art computer animation technology, follows the adventurer Sinbad (voice of Brendan Fraser) as he discovers a mysterious island ruled by King Akron (voice of John Rhys-Davies) and his daughter, Princess Serena (voice of Jennifer Hale). Their benevolent rule is being challenged by Baraka (voice of Leonard Nimoy), a vicious wizard who uses his powers to sway the island to his own evil purposes. Serena enlists Sinbad's help in a voyage to find the missing ingredients for a spell that will conquer Baraka once and for all. Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists was the first full-length animated feature using the 3-D Animated Motion Capture process, which allows computer animators to translate the movements of live actors into animated characters, providing a heightened degree of realistic, natural movement. Mark Deming, Rovi
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