Directed by Patricia Foy, this documentary chronicles the ups and downs of the revolutionary ballet star Rudolf Nureyev's career, from his poverty-ridden childhood, to his life as a ballet student, to the defection which led him to some of the greatest roles he would take on. This DVD also examines Nureyev's professional relationship with Margot Fonteyn, his rumored depression, and his overall effect on modern dance. Tracie Cooper, Rovi
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Directed by Patricia Foy, this documentary chronicles the ups and downs of the revolutionary ballet star Rudolf Nureyev's career, from his poverty-ridden childhood, to his life as a ballet student, to the defection which led him to some of the greatest roles he would take on. This DVD also examines Nureyev's professional relationship with Margot Fonteyn, his rumored depression, and his overall effect on modern dance. Tracie Cooper, Rovi
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