In this comic Canadian family drama, the tale of King Arthur is updated and enacted by a group of neighborhood kids. The tale begins as the children are playing in their backyards. Eleven-year old Alex then begins telling them all about King Arthur. He is interrupted by the local bully Scar and his thugs. Brave Alex stands his ground against the punks, but they prevail and pursue him into the woods where he trips over King Arthur's ancient sword Excalibur sticking from a rock. Alex easily removes the sword and immediately, ...
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In this comic Canadian family drama, the tale of King Arthur is updated and enacted by a group of neighborhood kids. The tale begins as the children are playing in their backyards. Eleven-year old Alex then begins telling them all about King Arthur. He is interrupted by the local bully Scar and his thugs. Brave Alex stands his ground against the punks, but they prevail and pursue him into the woods where he trips over King Arthur's ancient sword Excalibur sticking from a rock. Alex easily removes the sword and immediately, Merlin, looking rather ragged appears and takes him to his secret subterranean lair where he explains the magical properties of the weapon. Unfortunately, Alex later uses those powers to exact a painful revenge upon Scar. Meanwhile, Scar's bungling father and a gang of crooks make their plans to rob a major bank. Sandra Brennan, Rovi
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