In Search of a Whale
Interesting reading about the capture of pilot whales for the now defunct Marineland of the Pacific. Boots, the captain of the Geronimo, Marineland's capture boat, and Wild Kingdom's Marlin Perkins go out on the Geronimo for several days in "search of a whale" for Marineland. The book looks as if it is written for children, but I think this book can be read by anyone interested in the topic. Not only are whales described, and how they are caught, but sea lions are discussed. It's an unbiased reading that also tells the tale of the capture of Bubbles, the first whale caught for public exhibit. 4 stars because I just thought it was odd that for all of the trauma Boots relates that the pilot whales go through when being captured, also how much these whales fight back, that they still go for a whale. Also, it doesn't look as if any Wild Kingdom was made from this book.