Carefully Researched, A Must-Read For Everyone
Are you depressed, hopeless or uncertain of God's love for you? This book is not a frivolous, feel-good, Oprah's List book. It is NOT accounts of people having seen angels on earth, mysterious occurrences, or anything new age. It was written by a man that put 35 years of research into the reports of medical doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists who diligently documented the accounts given by their own patients mostly after resuscitation. Some accounts are given by blind individuals who had been sightless for life, all accounts have striking similarities and a strong message that cannot be ignored. Most every account corroborates what was experienced by Moses on Mt. Sinai, what was spoken by the prophets, what was spoken by Christ Himself, what was indicated in Revelation, and brings to life what is taught throughout the Bible - Psalms, Paul's teachings, etc. The author indicates that while humans have a "black-and-white" understanding of heaven, this book gives color to our understanding. If we truly can understand what the prize of heaven is, the serious, incredibly fervent, deep love of Christ for us while we run this race of life, it will change our perspective on how we should live our lives: emphasis on loving others out of love for Christ, emphasis on relationships, emphasis on serving others. Period. A must-read for all Christians, especially those who doubt God, are depressed and hopeless, who don't "feel" His love for us, for those who have difficulty understanding the gist of the Bible, or for those who are uncertain about heaven and hell.