In this crime-seasoned road movie, Luca (Antonio Cupo) is an Italian expatriate who is living in the United States. His high-spirited sister, Martina (Bianca Guaccero), comes to Las Vegas to visit America for the first time; wanting to see California, Luca hits the highway, and Martina impulsively demands they pick up a pair of hitchhikers, Sean (Vinnie Jones) and Jamie (Brad Renfro). However, it turns out Sean and Jamie are on the run from the law for murder and armed robbery, and Luca and Martina find themselves in a very ...
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In this crime-seasoned road movie, Luca (Antonio Cupo) is an Italian expatriate who is living in the United States. His high-spirited sister, Martina (Bianca Guaccero), comes to Las Vegas to visit America for the first time; wanting to see California, Luca hits the highway, and Martina impulsively demands they pick up a pair of hitchhikers, Sean (Vinnie Jones) and Jamie (Brad Renfro). However, it turns out Sean and Jamie are on the run from the law for murder and armed robbery, and Luca and Martina find themselves in a very dangerous position. Things become even more complicated when Luca gets mixed up with Cherie (Caprice), a beautiful woman trying to get away from her violent and unstable boyfriend, Ray (Conrad Coates). Casper Van Dien also stars. Mark Deming, Rovi
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