The sheer number of schools and methods in yoga is as incredible as it is intimidating. Still, all these currents share the same goal: to discover the essence contained the center of our being. By showing what this diversity of forms and approaches has in common, author Richard Freeman draws a vast and interconnected matrix and offers a clarifying vision of the heart of the teachings, practices, and writings that form the basis for all schools of yoga. La multiplicidad de escuelas y m???todos de yoga es tan f???rtil como ...
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The sheer number of schools and methods in yoga is as incredible as it is intimidating. Still, all these currents share the same goal: to discover the essence contained the center of our being. By showing what this diversity of forms and approaches has in common, author Richard Freeman draws a vast and interconnected matrix and offers a clarifying vision of the heart of the teachings, practices, and writings that form the basis for all schools of yoga. La multiplicidad de escuelas y m???todos de yoga es tan f???rtil como asombrosa. No obstante, todas las corrientes comparten una misma meta: descubrir la esencia que reside en el centro de nuestro ser. Dicho descubrimiento es lo que se conoce por liberaci???n. Richard Freeman, renombrado maestro y experto en la materia, ofrece una visi???n esclarecedora del coraz???n de las ense???anzas, pr???cticas y escrituras que forman la base para todas las escuelas del yoga: ha?ha, bhakti, j???ana, karma, tantra y sus variantes. Profundiza en las ense???anzas de las Upani?ads, la filosof???a Sa?khya, los Yoga-sutras de Pata???jali, lo mismo que en la pr???ctica la meditaci???n, el servicio a los dem???s, el canto, el rol del guru, etc???tera. Al mostrarnos los puntos en com???n de esa infinidad de formas y abordajes, Freeman delinea una matriz vasta e interconectada, s???mbolo de la riqueza y el esplendor de la milenaria tradici???n del yoga.
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