"One of the most acclaimed writers in animation returns with this informal sequel to his previous books on indie animation, Unsung Heroes of Animation, Animators Unearthed, and Mad Eyed Misfits In this collection, award-winning writer, Chris Robinson, looks at a wide range of films, topics (sex, censorship, cultural politics, programming, felt, gifs, VR, dogs) and filmmakers Masaaki Yuasa, Xi Chen, Gil Alkabetz, Jacques Drouin, Bordo, Rosto, Joaqu???in Coci???na and Crist???obal Le???on George Schwizgebel. Lizzy Hobbs, ...
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"One of the most acclaimed writers in animation returns with this informal sequel to his previous books on indie animation, Unsung Heroes of Animation, Animators Unearthed, and Mad Eyed Misfits In this collection, award-winning writer, Chris Robinson, looks at a wide range of films, topics (sex, censorship, cultural politics, programming, felt, gifs, VR, dogs) and filmmakers Masaaki Yuasa, Xi Chen, Gil Alkabetz, Jacques Drouin, Bordo, Rosto, Joaqu???in Coci???na and Crist???obal Le???on George Schwizgebel. Lizzy Hobbs, Andreas Hykade, Leah Shore, and many others. Eclectic, brief, fiery, and opinionated, Robinson's gonzo-tinged writing will amuse, confuse, annoy and maybe even inspire while, hopefully, introducing readers to the wonders of independently produced animation"--
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