After graduating from Harvard, twenty-three-year-old Keke McQueen (Antoinette Robertson) moves back home to Grand Rapids, Michigan, while dreaming of leaving her hometown behind her for a career opportunity in Atlanta. Yet when her Grandma Janice (Margaret Avery) begins to display symptoms of dementia, Keke must put her aspirations on hold to reinvigorate her grandmother's noteworthy block parties, a quest that brings her closer to her community. Dawn Wilkinson directs the comedy co-starring Golden Brooks. Maggie Sadler, ...
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After graduating from Harvard, twenty-three-year-old Keke McQueen (Antoinette Robertson) moves back home to Grand Rapids, Michigan, while dreaming of leaving her hometown behind her for a career opportunity in Atlanta. Yet when her Grandma Janice (Margaret Avery) begins to display symptoms of dementia, Keke must put her aspirations on hold to reinvigorate her grandmother's noteworthy block parties, a quest that brings her closer to her community. Dawn Wilkinson directs the comedy co-starring Golden Brooks. Maggie Sadler, Rovi
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