In the dog days of Rome, a mission to the edge of the world...Drust and Kag, two ex-gladiators, are met with an unusual request. Powerful Servilius Structus sends them deep into Scotland, land of the Caledonii, to find and secure a woman and her young son. Accompanied by a crew of fellow rogues, they will risk everything on an insane quest and a daring escape. With decadence and corruption in the air, the consequences of their failure are immeasurable, for the Empire itself is at stake. A searing, blood-soaked historical ...
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In the dog days of Rome, a mission to the edge of the world...Drust and Kag, two ex-gladiators, are met with an unusual request. Powerful Servilius Structus sends them deep into Scotland, land of the Caledonii, to find and secure a woman and her young son. Accompanied by a crew of fellow rogues, they will risk everything on an insane quest and a daring escape. With decadence and corruption in the air, the consequences of their failure are immeasurable, for the Empire itself is at stake. A searing, blood-soaked historical adventure, perfect for fans of Giles Kristian, David Gilman and Conn Iggulden. Praise for Rob Low'An epic tale of hardship, triumph, betrayal and brotherhood' S. J. A. Turney
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