Laura (Evan Rachel Wood), a professional house cleaner, falls for a client's impressionable 16-year-old daughter (Julia Sarah Stone), and convinces her to run away and live together. But Laura's unstable emotional state and dark past are soon revealed as her sociopathic behavior intensifies. Denis O'Hare, Maxim Roy, and Joe Cobden co-star. Written and directed by Carlos Sanchez and Jason Sanchez. Tim Holland, Rovi
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Laura (Evan Rachel Wood), a professional house cleaner, falls for a client's impressionable 16-year-old daughter (Julia Sarah Stone), and convinces her to run away and live together. But Laura's unstable emotional state and dark past are soon revealed as her sociopathic behavior intensifies. Denis O'Hare, Maxim Roy, and Joe Cobden co-star. Written and directed by Carlos Sanchez and Jason Sanchez. Tim Holland, Rovi
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