Literary Titan
Clinton Laird�s fascination with Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) will intrigue you from the start of the book. The author enthusiastically writes about UFOs, how his interest started, his childhood memories, and why it is crucial to have a little knowledge of them. Clinton Laird is knowledgeable in this area and shares this information in a conversational style. After reading this novel, I was set on doing my own research. A Collection of Unidentified Flying Object Phenomena is a fountain of knowledge regarding UFOs.
I like that Clinton Laird started the book by introducing the reader to the early history of UFOs and early Egyptian and African myths. It was clever of him to take the reader back in time, as not many people are aware of the history despite having a general understanding of what UFOs are. In the first chapter, Clinton Laird ensures that the reader entirely comprehends the text, as he uses simple verbiage and is amusing throughout. It is fascinating how much history can be learned in a few chapters. In addition, the author�s writing will entice the reader to want to know more about outer space and beyond. I commend Clinton Laird for his modesty when writing, good diction, and ability to explain even the most minute elements related to UFOs.
The author provides articles about UFOs from other authors, which I thought interesting. In these articles, we get an inside look at UFO sightings, conspiracy theories, nuclear power plants and UFOs, the military�s response to UFOs, and so much more. There is an abundance of documentation available to UFO enthusiasts. The author has done his research, and it shows in his novel. The author�s opinion is compelling, but he does not force it upon you. Instead, the author lets you, as the reader, decide what you decide to be as the truth from the book. He informs you but does not coerce you to believe in what you don�t believe in.